Werk Me 069
Werk Me 069 is a collective created by people from the ballroom community in Frankfurt. Ballroom is a culture that emerged from the black and latinx queer community of New York in the 60s and 70s. Its purpose is to uplift queer people of color and trans people who are still a marginalized group in the predominately cis white queer scene and to provide them with a safer space.
Werk me 069 organizes practices and events in frankfurt honouring ballroom as a culture, its history and the people who came before.

Wann & Wo?
sonntags, 16:30 – 21:00 Uhr
LSKH Queeres Kulturhaus
1. OG
Klingerstr. 6
60313 Frankfurt/M
Infos & Kontakt
Email: werkme069@gmail.com
Insta: @WerkMe069
Bitte vorher per Mail oder Insta melden.
Vorzugsweise BiPoCs, migrantische Menschen und/oder trans*-Personen.